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A Skill is a player's competency in performing specific tasks in Soulbound.

Skill Levels determine if a player can equip weapons or armor, craft items, or gain Achievements.

Types of Skills

Players have 14 Skills, split up into three categories:

Viewing Skills

Players can access the Skill window by pressing "k" or Quick Menu > Skills

The Total Level of all Skill Levels is tracked on the bottom of the Skill window.

Skills Levels

A Skill can be leveled up to unlock additional content associated with that Skill.

For example:

Each individual Skill level is capped at 40 for Chapter 1.

How to Level Skills

Performing certain actions will grant Experience Points (EXP) toward that Skill. For example, dealing damage with your Weapon will increase Strength, using the Chain Lightning Ability will increase Knowledge, picking wild plants will increase Foraging, and so on.

When you earn EXP, you’ll see an EXP counter appear in the top-left corner of your screen. The counter will vibrate whenever you gain EXP for a specific skill, making it easy to track your progress.

Once you have gained enough EXP, the Skill will level up.

For faster ways to increase Skill Level, see: Leveling and Progression

See also