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Relics are temporary buffs granted in one dungeon run.

How Relics Work

Each time the EXP bar fills in a dungeon run, the player will be able to select from 1 of 3 Relic options. These Relic buffs are permanent for the entire duration of that dungeon run and will disappear once the player leaves the dungeon.

Weapon and Ability Relics follow a progressive path of increasing rarity and key colors:

  • Common: white
  • Uncommon:green
  • Rare: blue
  • Epic: purple
  • Legendary: gold

How deeply a player can advanced into some Relic paths depends on Weapon and Ability Upgrades.


  • Upgrades are permanent - Relics last for only 1 dungeon run.

Players can only choose 4 Basic/Passive Relics per dungeon run. Weapon and Ability Relics will continue to be available regardless until reaching the end of their respective paths.

Once Relics paths are exhausted, the player will be offered generic choices such as a 3% damage upgrade.

Types of Relics

Weapon Relics

The Weapon Relic path will vary depending on your weapon's rarity:


  • Increase swing range
  • Increase Cooldown
  • Knockback
  • Increase Crit Chance
  • Increase Crit Damage


  • Increase Shockwave size
  • Increase Number of Shockwaves (line length)
  • Increase Crit Chance
  • Increase Crit Camage

Heavy Weapon

  • Increase Shockwave Area of Effect (AOE)
  • Increase Number of Shockwaves (pulse AOE)
  • Increase Stun Chance %

Ability Relics

Ability Relics will vary depending on the Upgrade of equipped Abilities.

For example, Healing Pulse upgraded to Uncommon will have the following path:

  • Lvl 1: Increase base healing
  • Lvl 2: Increase pulse count
  • Lvl 3: Increase are of effect
  • Lvl 4: Increase base heal
  • Lvl 5: Increase pulse count (exclusive for uncommon tier healing pulse).

Basic/Passive Relics

  • Heartiness - Increases max % of HP and healing received.
  • Fleet-footed - Increase Dodge % chance and Movement Speed.
  • Unyielding - Increase Defense rating and Damage Reduction. Note that Damage Reduction is capped at 40%.
  • Magnetism - Increase Yoku Magnetism radius and increase the value of Yoku EXP (25% to 75%).
  • Precision (Critical Strike):
    • Increase Critical Strike Chance
    • Increase Critical Strike Damage - (yellow damage numbers) e.g. [350 basic attack + (350 x 250% critical strike damage)] = 1,225 critical damage output.
  • Heavy Hitter - Doubles total damage output.
    • White damage numbers with "!" for basic attack with heavy hit e.g. (350 basic attack x 2) = 700 basic heavy hit damage
    • Yellow damage numbers with "!" for crit damage with heavy hit e.g. {[350 basic dmg + (350 basic dmg x 250% crit dmg)] x 2} = 2,450 critical heavy hit damage.
  • Melee Mastery - Increase damage and reduces cool down of weapon.
  • Wrecking Ball - Increases knockback effect.
  • Gunslinger - Reduces the cool down and increases the damage of marksman (gun) abilities.
  • Deployability - Reduces cool down and increases damage of drone ability.
  • Bombardment - Reduces cool down and increases the damage of abilities under Dexterity (thrown abilities).
  • Elementalist - Reduces cool down and increases the damage of offensive knowledge abilities.
  • Supporter - Reduces cool down and increases buff power of healing and shielding abilities.
  • Buff Power - Increases the healing and shielding of abilities e.g. for healing pulse [8 base heal + (8 base heal x 200% buff power)] = 24 hp heal.

Tip: There are only 4 slots available for Basic/Passive Relics. Once the 4 slots are occupied, the player will be locked from the rest of the Basic/Passive Relic pool (E.g. If a player has already chosen Precision, Heartiness, Heavy Hitter, and Melee Mastery, then other Basic/Passive Relics will not appear).

Make sure your Relics synergize with your equipped Abilities.

Recommended Relics

Meta Relics may vary depending on the party size, Enemy mobs, Boss, and Dungeon.

Preferred Relics can include:

  • Heartiness (Health buff) - for new players to increase survivability
  • Fleet-footed (Dodge)
  • Precision (Critical Strike)
  • Heavy Hitter
  • Melee Mastery - if you can get close to the Boss, or use a Greatsword for longer reach
  • Elementalist - if you specialize in Knowledge Abilities and need ranged attacks
  • Gunslinger - for Gleam Twins
  • Supporter and/or Buff Power - for heavy healing or shielding in a party

See also