Farming is an Artisanal Skill, allowing players to plant Seeds to grow Produce for Cooking. Seeds are planted at the Homestead or in Apartment farming plots.
How to Farm
New players learn of the local farming situation via the Homestead Twins and a farming introductory quest.
Preparing the Trowel
Go to Quick Menu > Bag > Toolbag > Trowel to pull up the Trowel equip slots. Drag-and-drop the Seeds you want to plant into the 2 available slots.
Any Seeds collected on the overworld or in dungeons will be automatically equipped to the Trowel, if Trowel slots were previously empty.
Seeds may be bought from Bud (Seed Vendor) in Virelda.
Click the farming plot to till the land with a Hoe to prepare the soil.
Click the farming plot after tilling to plant a Seed.
Click the farming plot after planting to water. Produce crops have multiple growth stages and must be watered to survive!
To view the expected growth time of a Seed, see: DeSat Items and filter by Seed + Stats.
Hint: Carrots grow in 6-15 minutes. Potatoes take 6-10 hours!
Once the crop is fully grown, click on the plot square to collect sweet, sweet Produce!
If you are in dire need of Produce, consider trading with other players.
Some events require harvesting Produce and will grant extra points for special crops (e.g. Raspberries or Strawberries for "red crops").
Crop Death
If crops are not watered within a set period of time, they will die. For example, potatoes can die around 22-26 hours.
Dead crops must be cleared from the plot before new crops can be planted.
Several Events involve Farming. Use these events as an opportunity to level your Skill in both a competitive and cooperative environment!